.Students of the Year 2018 / 2019. Presented on Wednesday June 26th 2019.
Missing from slideshow James Bowens in Ms Ronan’s class & Lily Rae Power, Ms Hunt’s class.
Hodger’s Shield Recipients 2019 – awarded Jointly to Natasha Fouhy  & Molly Casey, Rang VI.



Booklists 2019: Available in Parents Information Tab



Students of the Year 2019 Congratulations to all. Missing from Photo James in 1st Class and Lily Rae in 2nd Class

Slán anois. Best wishes to these 4 pupils transferring to new schools in September. Also Rachel O’Donovan, Leaving for a new school in September.


Goodbye to Mrs Flannery: It has been my honour to tell about us. Also, lead the teaching and learning in Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr for the last 13 years. I didn’t realise how much I have grown to love it all and how much of me is invested in the school until I met Mrs Barry my successor and we started to talk….
Today, June 25th, was a really special day. Thank you to everybody who contributed in any way to make it special. I had arranged an ice-cream van to call, not long after breakfast, as my parting gift to the children… yum! Then I was told to make myself scarce as the secret things began… I was sat upon a throne, a hurley throne of course, ‘cos the Flannery’s always pay their debts! (Secret lingo for us GOT fans.) The entertainment began….
 I will treasure the whole day. From start to finish. Thank you to all of you who were present to honour my passing. I don’t expect occasions such as that generated for me today. The children and the staff were truly magnificent; the songs, the poems; the drama, the photographs, the messages and in particular the singing of Jane’s Million Dreams at the end. It was all truly wonderful. It showed our school at it’s very best; all we do, all we can do. I am really proud. Those who know me and understand what makes me tick as a principal teacher got it and I appreciate your efforts.  In fact it is doing me good to sit here and write about. I have always seen myself as very ordinary, an ordinary woman doing an ordinary job but trying to do it as best I can. Our children deserve our best shot. Those who taught me gave it their best shot and I like to think I did the same. Like you, my greatest achievement is that of being a parent, a mother. I think like a mother, I see the school as a family and naturally I want the best for my children, my family. 
It was a great day. Thank you.
Anois tá mé chun snámh leis na deilf ag scaoileadh mo éan chun na gréinne. Rath Dé oraibh go deo. Jane Flannery



From the PA – a vase with inscribed base, a truly beautiful bouquet and a spa voucher… Thank you so much.


Thank You to the Board of Management for this beautiful sculpture “the Salmon of Knowledge” in bog-oak. The Jane Flannery Wing – a lovely touch …. to Fr Frank & Alice Olaniran who presented them and said kind words and all the Board. I will treasure them all.


Muintir Na Tíre Schools Schools Garden Competition 2019:
Congratulations to Mrs Sheehy and Her team of gardeners drawn from all over the school but in particular from 3rd & 4th Class. She and 3 pupils attended the award ceremony in the stunning room at the top of County Hall this morning, Monday 24th, for the prizegiving. THe Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr was awarded Highly Commended with a money prize to follow…. not quite sure of the value until it is paid in…. Well done everybody. The garden is beautiful, drop in and have a look for yourselves. JF. Get the best tshirt printing dublin has to offer at process print.




Agreed Report: Board of Management meeting Monday June 10th 2019

  1. The Board of Management compliments the Pupils and Staff on an outstanding school year 2018 / 2019 with particular mention of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme Achievements, Sciath Na Scol Camógie success and outstanding success at the Cork Primary School Sports 2019.
  2. The Board compliments the Parents Association on their contribution to school life; the new School Sign, the Fund-Raising Campaign and the successful First Communion morning Reception.
  3. The Board thanks the partnership School committee and all who contribute to school life.
  4. The Board congratulates Ms Fiona Santry on her personal success in the Cork City Half Marathon.
  5. The Board thanks Mrs Jane Flannery for her outstanding contribution to Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr, as principal teacher for thirteen years, and wishes her well in the next chapter of her life.
  6.  The Board welcomes Mrs Ann Marie Barry as the new Principal in Scoil Iósaf NS.
  7. The Board will hold interviews in July to fill the two remaining teacher vacancies.


Goodbye to 6th Class: Friday June 21st, a lovely day in Scoil Iósaf. We said goodbye to our 27 6th Class pupils. This 6th class have brought unprecedented honour to the school. Scoil Iósaf has developed it’s own rituals and ceremony around “saying goodbye”. We began with Mass celebrated by Fr Frank with music by Mr Ó Tuama @ 11:30. Family and friends of 6th class are invited. 5th Class attend also and siblings of those leaving. The Principal’s address is next. Then the traditional student address given this year by Brianna O’Riordan, eloquently summing up her years in Scoil Iósaf. The Certificates of graduation were presented along with a school pen bearing the motto “Let the Rooms be Full of Happiness”. The school has a Management Team consisting of Mrs Flannery, Mr Ó Tuama, Ms Bevan & Ms Santry and all 4 shared the formal honours. Then is a group poem, written by the whole 6th class; always witty and entertaining. Ms Santry delivers a speech prepared to celebrate the winner of the Hodgers Shield. The shield in 2019 was awarded jointly to Molly Casey and Natasha Fouhy. Congratulations to both outstanding students. Sixth Class made a number of presentations organised by themselves.  To Mrs Flannery, who is shortly retiring,  a card made and decorated by the class, flowers and a framed portrait drawn by Martha Rose Kelly. To Ms Santry, flowers,  as class teacher. There was a profit greater than €700 generated by  GalackTyco. In a gesture of  generosity they presented €250 to the School Fund and €250 to the Sr Regina, Lima Fund. Mr Nick O’Donoghue, Rooskagh Coffee, who, among others,  had sponsored GalackTyco, sent in a commemorative mug for the whole class. The mugs were printed by Flanagan Print who had printed all the GalackTyco cards. Then the traditions resumed – the singing of “We Go Together” by the whole group, Boys V Girls on the chorus and then, compiled by Mr Piotr Morawski, Caretaker Extraordinaire, the Photo Story of The Class of 2019. Finally thanks to Mrs Helen Murphy,  Mrs Betty Bernard and Mrs Nancy Horgan who served the refreshments for all. A  wonderful occasion! Photos and Photo Story to Follow…..


Goodbye to 6th Class, Friday June 21st 2019


E-Mail Problems: We have been experiencing problems with the school email account.
We moved to a g-mail account.          [email protected]        JF 19/06/2019




Wednesday 19th June – A busy day in Scoil Iósaf NS. 

  • Mrs Maureen Forrest, Hope Foundation, spoke to the children at the start of the school day about the work of the Hope Foundation in Calcutta. We presented her with a cheque for €300, the proceeds of the Easter Egg Raffle. 


Junior Entrepreneur Project, Class of the Year 2019, our 6th Class, are being filmed tomorrow … not quite sure by whom or for what… we started the year with filming and now we finish with it. The school is getting used to Celebrity Status! I will keep you posted… JF


Cinema Tickets: Thank you to the Greene / Boyle family who kindly donated Cinema tickets, 5 for each of the 11 Classrooms. They were raffled by the class teachers last Friday, 14th June. 


Thank you to the families involved in creating “The Worry Plaque” which was donated to the school garden recently. Piotr is working on mounting it…. it’s not forgotten… it’s really lovely. I have placed it on the South Corridor for now… JF


The Board of management of Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr has appointed Ms Anne Marie Barry, M Ed, as Principal.
Ms Barry will Replace Mrs Jane Flannery M Ed, who officially retires on September 1st after 13 years as Principal.
Ms Barry is currently Principal in Ballycroneen NS, Cloyne.



Ms Sinéad Scanlon: In the Division of Classes letter and End of Year letter I omitted mention of Ms Sinéad Scanlon who has taught 1st & 2nd Class in Scoil Iósaf NS this year. Ms Scanlon was appointed as a Permanent Member of Staff on September 2018 and the 11th mainstream class teacher. The school did not have the required number of pupils on September 30th 2018 to retain the 11th class teacher so Ms Scanlon has been re-deployed to Ballincurrig NS. She takes up her new appointment on September 1st. Thank you for a wonderful year of service Ms Scanlon. Our loss is Ballincurrig’s gain. J Flannery Principal


Yippee! Our new School Sign has arrived – A bright and cheerful, child-centred welcome to Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr. Míle, míle buíochas to the Parents Association who designed the sign and paid for it. Thanks to our remarkablr caretaker, Piotr Morawski who mounted the new sign having done a serious repair job on the frame.



Reception for 6th Class in City Hall with Lord Mayor, Councillor Mick Finn, on Wednesday June 5th 2019.
Sixth Class were invited to a reception in City Hall to honour their achievements in JEP, Junior Entrepreneur Programme. All of the girls were on the Camógie team who took top honours only two days later. This is a high achieving group and go with great confidence into the next phase of their lives in September. Their teacher Ms Fiona Santry is also a high achiever. Thank you to the Scoil Ióaf  family who alerted the Lord Mayor to the achievements, and prompted the civic reception. Mr Ó Tuama, Deputy principal, accompanied the class and Ms Santry on this remarkable occasion.I would love to have gone myself but I was scheduled to travel to Oysterhaven with 5th Class.  The visit was really informative in a really impressive setting and the welcome afforded was very hospitable. The Class presented the Lord mayor with some GalacTyco cards, for his private collection, and a school pen with our motto, “Let the Rooms Be Full of Happiness” inscribed. He also signed our Visitor Book. More photos on Children’s Work Tab. JF Get top of the range promotional products in dublin.




Ag Ceiliúradh arís! The two Athletics teams + Ma Santry & Ms Murphy, mentors.


The Full Athletics Squads + subs who trained everyday also and were on standby if needed. Well done all.


We Won All Round Us! What a day at Cork Primary School Sports in CIT. 30/05/19
The Boys Athletics Team competed in the morning. A morning of great success. Individuals: Max Smiddy, 1st. Dion Drake 2nd. Oscar Smiddy 3rd. Boys Junior Relay Team 2nd; Finn Connaughton, Tommy Casey, Ryan Cremin, Ben Dumigan. Boys SEnior Relay Team: 2nd; Oran Murphy, Jamie Sageantes, Darius Medves, Dion Drake. Wonderful!
Girls Competition, afternoon. Alexis Olaniran 1st, Aoife Clifford 1st. Brianna O’Riordan 2nd, Chloe McCarthy 2nd, Gloria Ojelabi 3rd, Ciara O’Brien 3rd.
Girls Junior Relay Team 1st: Madison Burke, Taylor Holland, Ciara O’Brien, Alexis Olaniran. Girls Senior Relay Team 1st. Gloria Ojelabi, Diane Corcoran, Molly Casey, Brianna O’Riordan. Girls Team Castlemartyr NS awarded overall Section trophy! Superb! Baile Na Martra Abú!
​Top Marks and sincere thanks to Ms Santry & Ms Murphy who have put in long hours training and worked with both teams all day. Thanks to Mr Ó Tuama who worked all day on turnstiles as the school steward. Thanks to all the families who drove and supported. These are Community efforts. 


Tuesday 28th May, Visit from Midleton CBS with Harty Cup, Rice Cup and Munster Senior Soccer Cup .
The Garden has been judged…. please walk up and visit it, parents…. it’s just super. We are very hopeful….
Standardised Testing is complete for 2019…. correcting and uploading results in full swing at the moment.
Active Schools Week next Week – 4 days. As per tradition, tracksuits every day. 



Statement from Board of Management in relation to Uniform Policy
The Board of Management is aware that a number of families have been seeking to have a discussion with regard to implementing change in the school’s uniform policy.
It has been established that the uniform policy is an issue for the general parent body to decide, via the Parent’s Association, which  is the accepted and democratically representative body for the parents.
A number of recent surveys have indicated that a significant number of families are in favour of  change. (albeit that a slight majority favour the status quo)
Both the BOM and PA recognise that there is need for a discussion on this issue, and are committed to facilitating this discussion.

At a recent meeting of the Parents Association the uniform issue was discussed and a decision was taken that

  1. The uniform issue would be addressed by a dedicated sub committee, with representation from all stakeholders (BOM, Teaching Staff, Parents Association, Parents), and
  2. The most appropriate time frame for this would be early in the next school year once a new PA committee is in place.

The BOM agrees with this  decision as we believe it offers a way forward which will allow for the views of all sides to be taken on board, leading to a democratic solution which will adhere to the majority view. For parents and people interested in wax melts , see our page today , check out phone cases dublin also.
Signed: Dave Fleming, Chairperson, On behalf of Board of Management


Wednesday May 22nd, 2019 – Sciath Na Scol Camógie Final Day
We Are The Champions!
What A Cracker of A Game.
Congratulations to The Girls Of Scoil Iósaf Ns, Castlemartyr
Baile Na Martra Abú!
What a Week we are having, JEP on Monday Sciath on Wednesday


In School Celebration, May 21st – Presentation of Medals and Certificates. Then GalackTyco were joined by the 7 children who had won the poster competition, and siblings. Natasha spoke about the day itself and Darius gave an outline of the game GalackTyco. Richard and Diane read their award-winning stories to the assembled school and parents who had come to share in our joy. More photos added to the slideshow on Children’s Work Tab


Junior Entrepreneur Champions 2019 0 Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr Best Overall School – The Class of 2019! 
Congratulations to 6th Class and their teacher Ms Fiona Santry.
Thank you to our Dragons Ms Katherine Lynch, AIB Manager, Mrs Úna McKevitt & Mr Barra Ó Tuama.
Thanks to Businessman Mr Nick O’Donoghue, Rooskagh Coffee Ltd who spent a morning discussing market research, finance and planning.
To our sponsors Mrs Elma Wade, Rooskagh Coffee, thank you. Special mention to Mr Ger Flanagan of Flanagan Print who printed the cards and prioritised our order for more many times. Thanks also to Ms Maeve Smiddy. staff photographer, Midleton News, and Fogarty Coach Hire, Killeagh.
To the pupils, parents, staff, board of management and many friends of Scoil Iósaf Ns who supported us at every step míle, míle buíochas.
Our joy is unconfined. We are all so proud.                         More photos on Children’s Work Tab. 



The Homecoming: Thank you to all who came out to welcome us home with our truly prestigious win.


Celebrating our win in the RDS – GalackTyco – The Overall JEP prize 2019. >700 schools entered. 220 selected for RDS. Scoil Iósaf NS, Castlemartyr


Uniform From The Parents Association:
In reference to the recent school uniform policy issues, there will be
NO CHANGES at this time.
The PA Committee plans that, starting in the new school year, we will work in consultation with the new principal and the board of management to establish a sub-committee. Its purpose will be to further explore and research the uniform/tracksuit concerns. All parents will have the opportunity to join said sub-committee, thereby ensuring that all    opinions will be represented.

Traditionally, Mrs. Flannery has allowed a relaxation of the uniform policy in June, with the children wearing shorts with their polo shirt.
Weather permitting, this will happen again this year.



Fundraising Target – €20,000 Achieved and Surpassed! €23,100 Details in April Letter to Parents. Thanks and Buíochas to EVERYBODY involved!



Click Image to access Partnership website.


Time for School:
School starts @ 9:10. The Electric Bell sounds.
All pupils should be in the school building before the bell rings, please. 


Castlemartyr NS supports the local initiaive to achieve a Dog Poo free Village. Dog owners must be responsible for their dogs.